One Hour of Somali Communist Music

  • Shaqaalaha adduunkow midooba!
    0:00 Soomaaliya Hanoolaato (Long Live Somalia)
    0:56 Itaageer Allahayow! (God, Stand by Me!)
    7:28 Magac U Yaal (Pronoun)
    11:54 Aabbe Siyaad (Father Siad)
    17:25 Tolweynaha Hantiwadaagga Ah (The Socialist Community)
    20:45 Aynaanka Hay (We March On)
    24:29 Gobanimo (Victory)
    32:40 Ha Iilan (Do Not Be Led Astray)
    37:13 Midab Gumeisi Diida (Reject the Colour of Colonialism)
    45:07 Soomalida Manta (Somalia Today)
    51:22 Guulwade Siyaad (Victorious Leader Siad)
    54:00 Dadkaaga Dhinac Ka Raac (The People Follow the Party)
    57:36 Towradatan Barakaysan (Happy Anniversary of the Revolution)

    Category : Somalia Music Videos


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